Who is lily?
Lily Serna is a Mathematician, television presenter and public speaker best known for her work on Letters & Numbers(SBS) and as an advocate for women in STEM. Learn more about what Lily has worked on and contributed to through her blog +
RT @lehmo23: I'll be on Celebrity Letters and Numbers on @SBS tonight at 7:30pm with these legends!!! @dontattempt @SernaLily… https://t.co/7ZoQJMOZ4d
RT @mcannonbrookes: Today, for the first time, instantaneous generation (30 min period I believe?) by renewables passed 2/3rds of the N… https://t.co/xeVeX2kQE3
RT @dontattempt: TALENT! ELATION! When an expecting @SernaLily finds her perfect anagram! Share the serendipity 730 tonight @SBS.… https://t.co/PO2CVFqtjm
Life of Lily
Born in Jerusalem, Lily attended Cheltenham Girls' High School in Sydney, Australia, and graduated from the University of Technology Sydney in 2009, with a Bachelor of Mathematics and Finance and a Bachelor of International Studies. Continue reading Lily's bio +